Cynics 4MP 25x Zooming IR Weatherproof Speedome 4MP 25x Zooming IR Weatherproof Speedome approximate 1km away from office transmitting through 3km wireless bridge. - With high quality Artificial Intelligence (AI) functions and solar street lighting - Simple construction and save installation time and no cabling issues - Stable wireless transmission distance within 10km, no matter how bad the climate change - Affordable price, low maintenance fees, warranty period up to 2 years - Suitable for housing area and plantation farm

Solar Wireless CCTV Solution

PAD-3128-TM Fever Detection + Face Recognition Terminal

Production of Manufacturing Date for SLA Backup Battery in Malaysia

Production of Manufacturing Date for SLA Backup Battery in Malaysia

Auto Gate System - Folding Gate using DC Gate Motor

Auto Gate System - Swing Gate using BM Life Motor